Sitemap terms, or site map, is the page that contains the list and the whole structure of the pages in a website. Sitemap function is to allow visitors to view and search for desired content pages. Sitemap in this context can be interpreted as a list of web contents.
Sitemap has several versions, in the form of HTML, and XML. If the form does not have a standard HTML special structure, then the XML sitemap has its own standards, which refers to the protocol tag by first version (HTML) is used as a table of contents. This version can be created manually or by using a generator (plugin or module). In addition, the contents page also has a pretty good effect on SEO, because the indexed contents page will provide an overview of the structure of a web start. Therefore, sitemap in HTML format also has contributed to efforts to onpage SEO web. Consider functions and HTML Sitemap HTML Sitemap Plugin List for more study.
The second version, in XML, usually refers to the protocol format suggested by version of the XML format is recommended by Google because they have the criteria according to the Google sitemap crawler. XML tags in the standard protocol are:
Sitemap has several versions, in the form of HTML, and XML. If the form does not have a standard HTML special structure, then the XML sitemap has its own standards, which refers to the protocol tag by first version (HTML) is used as a table of contents. This version can be created manually or by using a generator (plugin or module). In addition, the contents page also has a pretty good effect on SEO, because the indexed contents page will provide an overview of the structure of a web start. Therefore, sitemap in HTML format also has contributed to efforts to onpage SEO web. Consider functions and HTML Sitemap HTML Sitemap Plugin List for more study.
The second version, in XML, usually refers to the protocol format suggested by version of the XML format is recommended by Google because they have the criteria according to the Google sitemap crawler. XML tags in the standard protocol are:
<? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
<loc> </ loc>
<lastmod> 2005-01-01 </ lastmod>
<changefreq> monthly </ changefreq>
<priority> 0.8 </ priority>
</ Url>
</ Urlset>
We could actually use a variety of formats to be used as a sitemap index, for example by using a feed. But with the XML format complete with standard protocol above, Google (and later adopted Bing, Ask, Yahoo and other search engines) is able to see the list / list pages with information url, last modification date of the page, crawling frequency, and priority in the index. Crawling process becomes more efficient, all well indexed structure, and controlled. Therefore the use and registration of sitemap in XML format is highly recommended, especially on a website that has thousands of pages.
Efficiency Sitemap Index
If a website has thousands of pages plus many pages like structure: post, page, category / tag archives, user pages, etc., then a simple XML sitemap will be filled in by the thousands and even tens of thousands of pages of various types, so an XML sitemap page will be very long and heavy. Thus, the process of crawling became too long and unwieldy. Presence sitemap index; sitemap indexes consist of multiple pages, make the listing process more efficient, because each page type has its own sitemap. This structure facilitates the search engines select and sort the pages by type, priority and frequency of crawling.
Efficiency Sitemap Index
If a website has thousands of pages plus many pages like structure: post, page, category / tag archives, user pages, etc., then a simple XML sitemap will be filled in by the thousands and even tens of thousands of pages of various types, so an XML sitemap page will be very long and heavy. Thus, the process of crawling became too long and unwieldy. Presence sitemap index; sitemap indexes consist of multiple pages, make the listing process more efficient, because each page type has its own sitemap. This structure facilitates the search engines select and sort the pages by type, priority and frequency of crawling.
Here are the steps to register a sitemap to Google
1. Create a sitemap url, the feed url of your website / blog.
For blogger / blogspot, certain rules must be added in order to submit / sitemap registration does not fail. You can use the sitemap generator is very easily found, just type 'sitemap generator' on Google. But as a practical matter you can use the additional rules.
url example feed blogger / blogspot:
additional rules as sitemap url:;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc
or it could be the type of feed atom.xml,
Add the red section on your blog url and that url sitemap
3. Click the url website / blog which has been registered and about to be given a sitemap.
4. In the configuration menu select “Optimizazion” >> “sitemaps”.
5. Click on “ADD/TEST SITEMAP” and enter the url.;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc
6. Then click “submit sitemap”.
7. After the submitted, will be found a report stating that the registration of your sitemap has been successful. But there will be a process previously shown in the picture clock. This process is relative, there is 1 hour to 2 days. The registration process is managed as a whole will be indicated by a check mark (check).
8. Finish.
7. After the submitted, will be found a report stating that the registration of your sitemap has been successful. But there will be a process previously shown in the picture clock. This process is relative, there is 1 hour to 2 days. The registration process is managed as a whole will be indicated by a check mark (check).
8. Finish.
Important part!
To maximize search engine in performing reference index, list more than one sitemap.
So, register your sitemap above two at once!
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